The Dominae are partners to the Fourth Speakers. They are like the brawn to the brain, making sure the Gods are represented in the practical aspects of the faith as well as the spiritual.
Our beliefs are revolutionary, piecing together the portions of truth that other, older faiths have discovered. Along the way, we've studied a lot! All are welcome to an academic view as well as a faith-based interpretation of stories and religion.
Verity is a family-friendly faith at all times. We put the safety and education of our community's children first! We hope to provide a home for families who identify with the Six.
F a i t h L o o k i n g F o r w a r d
Gabriel Hughes is the Prime Speaker as he is our founder, as well as the First Speaker, who is the current leader of Verity as a faith. He helps those who identify with the Veritan path find their spiritual center and learn to worship the Six.
Ritual is a wonderful expression of spirituality, but to be a Veritan you must also have faith. We welcome all to attend our events and experience what our faith feels like, no strings attached.
Second Speaker
Directly beneath the First Speaker, the Second Speaker aids in spiritual counseling and would take over if the First Speaker steps down or is unable to attend duties.
He has written dozens of works on comparative religion, the faith behind folk tales, and the similarities between cultural metaphors. His extensive knowledge of niche religions is not just for Veritans- anyone can ask him about faith and spirituality without pressure. He believes that polytheism should go through a renaissance to become a modern, accepting, family-friendly, and safe place for those in need of truth and community
Third Speaker
A Third Speaker would act much like a pastor in the event Verity grew to have multiple venues. Currently the Prime Speaker acts in a Third Speaker equivalent.
Fourth Speaker
These Speakers are the heads of Orders in a temple. An Order is a group dedicated to one of the six Gods and ensures their representation and exaltation in temple.
2012 - Verity is founded with the celebration of the first Destroyer High Court.
2013 - Verity begins performing regular weekly ritual at Sacred Journey Fellowship in Garland.
2016 - Prime Speaker Gabriel Hughes initiates a restructure of Veritan worship to be more family inclusive and based in community and creation.
2019 - Marks the beginning of a Builder senarius, with the birth of the Prim Speaker's first child and the increase in Veritan attendance at Sacred Journey.